Can your business afford to not have an effective OH&S system?

Our team will assist you and your company meet your legal OSH requirements and most importantly assist you to provide a safe and healthy workplace for your staff.

Contact us now for a Free No Obligation site visit today.

Health and Safety Services

Rent a health and safety officer

A systematic approach is critical to effectiveness of all health and safety practices. However so often businesses have other priorities that demand their time. Progressive can provide staff to help you meet your health and safety responsibilities.

Annual Audits
Your health and safety system should be reviewed regularly to assess its effectiveness. An annual review will ensure your safety system continues to serve your needs well. An annual review is not a full audit but does give an overview of the way your system is working. This process provides a record that demonstrates your commitment to continual improvement in this area.

Assist you achieve ACC Levy discounts;
We can assist you to obtain ACC Discounts of up to 20% pa.

Hazard Identification
A proactive approach to identifying existing and potential hazards in the workplace conducted by safety professionals experienced in the client's industry sector. This process also provides an effective start point for implementing proactive controls and systems to minimise the risk.

Hazard Management
A comprehensive and systematic approach to the management of hazards in the workplace using innovative tools and systems that will identify, report, register, analyse, manage and control the residual risk posed by such hazards.

A systematic examination of the client’s health and safety systems as measured against a set of standards i.e. ACC workplace incentive programs, New Zealand standards (compliance audit AS/NZS4801:2001).

Other services

  • Investigate Incidents and Injuries
  • Identification, Risk Assessment, Control and monitoring
  • Develop a positive health and safety organisational culture